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Xi Jinping leads China on new journey



After 10 years at the helm of the Communist Party of China (CPC), Xi Jinping, 69, once again stood in front of reporters as the Party’s top leader, vowing to lead the country to pursue national rejuvenation through a Chinese path to modernization.
“We shall keep in mind the Party’s nature and purpose and our own mission and responsibility, and work diligently in the performance of our duty, to prove worthy of the great trust of the Party and our people,” Xi said on Oct. 23, as he led his colleagues to meet the press, fresh from a Party plenum that elected him general secretary of the CPC Central Committee.
In 2012, after assuming the Party’s top job, Xi said that he and his colleagues would lead the CPC in striving for national rejuvenation, pursuing a better life for the people, and addressing problems within the Party.
In the past decade, China under his leadership has witnessed historic changes, with its economy more than doubling to 114 trillion yuan (16 trillion U.S. dollars), absolute poverty wiped out and moderate prosperity attained for the country’s 1.4 billion people.
It was also a decade of severe challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic, a trade war with the United States and the downward pressure on the economy all posed hurdles for China’s development and tested the strength of Xi and the Party he leads.
Bringing about milestone transformations and ushering in a “new era” for socialism with Chinese characteristics, Xi is regarded as the helmsman capable of leading the country in overcoming difficulties and pursuing full modernization.

Xi Jinping was born in June 1953 into a revolutionary family. His father, Xi Zhongxun, was a revered CPC leader. Describing his father as “someone who had devoted himself wholeheartedly to the Chinese people,” Xi Jinping said he was greatly inspired by the elder Xi and had pledged to follow in his footsteps.
At 15, as an “educated youth,” Xi left Beijing for a village called Liangjiahe in an arid part of northwest China’s Shaanxi Province. He would later spend seven years in the countryside, working and living alongside farmers.
He joined the CPC there and later became the village Party chief — the beginning of his political career. Xi recalled his earnest wish then was “to make it possible for the villagers to have meat and have it often.” He led them to dig wells, build dams, terrace hills and set up the province’s first methane-generating pit.
Xi said he gained his understanding of the meaning of the word “people” through his experience in Liangjiahe, and it strengthened his determination to “serve the people” — a principle he has adhered to over the decades.
In the late 1970s, after graduating from Tsinghua University, Xi served as a secretary to the minister of defense. In 1982, he volunteered to work at the grassroots level and moved to Zhengding, a poor county in north China’s Hebei Province. Peng Liyuan, his wife, later said that many of Xi’s classmates went abroad and he could have just done the same. But Xi stayed and chose a much harder path — to be a servant to the people.

Xi Jinping, then secretary of the CPC Zhengding County Committee, listens to opinions of villagers in Zhengding County, north China’s Hebei Province, in 1983. (Xinhua)
In his three years in Zhengding, where Xi served as deputy Party chief and then Party chief, Xi rode bicycles to all the communes and production teams of the county to inspect work. Sometimes, he arrived when villagers were tilling the fields. He would join them and do the farm work.
Then he spent over 17 years in Fujian Province and nearly five years in Zhejiang Province. He served multiple roles in the two coastal provinces including vice mayor, prefecture Party chief, municipal Party chief, provincial governor, and provincial Party chief. In 2007, he worked in Shanghai as its Party chief before ascending to the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee.
Xi kept a close bond with the people wherever he worked, even after he was promoted to work at the apex of the Party. Xi has made it a tradition to visit the homes of the people ahead of every Spring Festival. Xi’s early-year experience of hunger and toiling on the farms may help explain why he would check the kitchen, bathroom and cellar in ordinary people’s homes.
In 2013, Xi initiated a “targeted poverty alleviation” drive and made plans for its implementation. Altogether, over 255,000 work teams and more than 3 million cadres were sent to the countryside to help villagers shake off poverty household by household. About 100 million people were lifted out of extreme poverty in the past decade.
In Xi’s words, all he did is essentially for the betterment of the people.In the past decade, Chinese people’s wealth grew steadily. In 2021, the per capita disposable income of the Chinese reached 35,128 yuan, growing nearly 80 percent from 2012. The urban-rural income ratio was narrowed to 2.5:1.

Xi Jinping talks with villagers in Shibadong Village in central China’s Hunan Province, Nov. 3, 2013. (Xinhua/Lan Hongguang)
The Party and the government enjoy good ratings. A Harvard University survey found that Chinese citizens’ satisfaction with the government has increased across the board, with the central authorities receiving the highest level of approval at 93 percent.

Xi inherited a mission to achieve China’s modernity, which had been dreamed of and fought for by generations of Chinese people.
Ten years ago, when Xi ascended to the Party’s top post, China was already the world’s second-largest economy and top manufacturer. But the economy faced increasing downward pressure. Other tough issues also needed to be resolved, such as corruption, pollution and the rich-poor income gap, all posing grave challenges to the Party.
All eyes were on Xi. People expected him to bring real changes. And changes must begin from the Party itself. Xi said it takes a good blacksmith to forge good steel, calling for the self-reform of the Party and “full and rigorous” self-governance. He unleashed the largest anti-corruption campaign in the Party’s history.
Xi considers the Party’s overall leadership the key to building China into a great modern socialist country.Observers said Xi has played a key role in reshaping the CPC. Liu Jingbei, a professor at the China Executive Leadership Academy in Pudong, said Xi reversed the trend that the Party’s leadership was being weakened and marginalized in some localities and departments.
Xi has fostered the concept of “whole-process people’s democracy,” calling for greater efforts to develop socialist democracy.
The law-based governance in all fields Xi advances is considered a profound revolution in governance. In the past decade, China’s national legislature adopted 70 laws and revised 238 laws. Many of the legislations are groundbreaking, including the Civil Code adopted in 2020 and the Foreign Investment Law adopted in 2019, which is the basic law governing foreign direct investment in the country promoting the high-level liberalization and facilitation of foreign investment.
These efforts have helped create more favorable conditions for development. Xi personally chairs a number of central commissions to strengthen the Party’s leadership over economic work as well as reform and opening up.
Since the third plenum of the 18th CPC Central Committee in 2013, more than 2,000 reform plans have been implemented, covering almost every aspect of economic, political, social and cultural undertakings as well as people’s everyday life.
Xi has put forward a new development philosophy that promotes innovative, coordinated, green, open and inclusive development for all. Peter Koenig, a former senior economist at the World Bank, said the new development philosophy is probably the core of what has been named “Xiconomics.”
Under Xi’s leadership, China has consolidated its position as the world’s second-largest economy. In the past decade, the share of China’s GDP in the global economy grew from 11.3 percent to 18.5 percent. On average, the Chinese economy contributed more than 30 percent of global economic growth in recent years.
Stressing a people-centered approach to development, Xi rolled out a slew of policies that bring tangible benefits to the people. China has established the world’s largest social security system, with 1.04 billion people covered by basic old-age insurance and 95 percent of the population covered by basic medical insurance.
Xi has placed common prosperity on agenda. He said this is the essential requirement of socialism. Xi’s common prosperity drive aims to narrow the rich-poor gap, address the regional and industrial disparity, and improve both the material and cultural-ethical life of the people, thus achieving balanced development and social equality.
In the past decade, China witnessed holistic and historic improvements in environmental protection.
Xi declared at a virtual UN gathering that China will strive to peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. He instructed imposing a 10-year fishing ban in the Yangtze River. Every river in China now also has a river chief, in charge of its ecological protection. Endangered species such as giant pandas, Tibetan antelopes and snow leopards have been brought back from the brink of extinction.
Xi led the nation to engage in an unprecedented fight against pollution. Years of tenacious efforts paid off. A report by the University of Chicago’s Energy Policy Institute said the density of harmful particulates in the air in China fell 40 percent between 2013 and 2020. If sustained, this would add about two years to the average life expectancy of Chinese citizens, it said.
Xi places sci-tech innovation at the core of overall national development and issued the call to build greater scientific and technological strength. He visited satellite launching sites, chip labs and high-speed train workshops to learn the latest sci-tech development. “You can’t ask, buy, or beg for core technologies in key fields from other countries. They must be kept firmly in our own hands,” Xi said.
China’s ranking in the Global Innovation Index, released by the World Intellectual Property Organization, rose from 34th place in 2012 to 11th place in 2022.

Xi Jinping boards the aircraft carrier Shandong and reviews the guard of honor at a naval port in Sanya, south China’s Hainan Province, Dec. 17, 2019. (Xinhua/Li Gang)
Xi has close ties with the military and knows its operations well. He initiated the earth-shattering military reform, in a bid to build the People’s Liberation Army into world-class armed forces.Over the past decade, China unveiled two homegrown aircraft carriers. The fifth-generation stealth fighter aircraft, J-20, was commissioned. China also took the lead in hypersonic weapon research.
Media outlets described Xi as the leader who is making China strong. They said he has solved a great number of problems that had long gone unsolved and secured many accomplishments of major significance for the future.
In October 2017, Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era was officially instituted at the 19th CPC National Congress as a guiding principle. The thought was enshrined in the CPC Constitution and China’s Constitution.
David Ferguson, who edited the English translation of four volumes of “Xi Jinping: The Governance of China,” said poverty alleviation, the Belt and Road, and the environmental cleanup all fit in Xi’s thought and they fit at the grassroots level where ideas become action, driving the historic changes over the past decade.
In 2016, Xi’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the whole Party was established at the sixth plenum of the 18th CPC Central Committee.
“To me, this means responsibility,” Xi said, pledging to devote all his time and energy to the job so that he can live up to the trust the Party and the people place in him.
In 2021, the Party’s third historical resolution says Xi’s core position and the guiding role of Xi’s thought are of decisive significance for driving forward the historic process of national rejuvenation.

Xi has a strong track record as a crisis manager. Battle-hardened by years of handling tough situations, Xi has the experience, courage and tenacity needed to cope with the tests and challenges China faces today.
While working in the coastal regions of Fujian, Zhejiang and Shanghai, Xi led local response efforts to multiple powerful typhoons. During these instances, he would spend whole nights overseeing the evacuation in an effort to minimize casualties and damage.
When he served as vice president of China, Xi oversaw the preparations for Beijing 2008 Olympics and Paralympics, which were made under tremendous pressure in a year overshadowed by the devastating Wenchuan earthquake and the riots in Lhasa. Yet Beijing 2008 has been remembered as one of the best Games in history. Nearly 14 years later, under Xi’s leadership, China presented the world a streamlined, safe and splendid Winter Games despite COVID-19 and the so-called “diplomatic boycott” by some Western countries.
He says that China in the new era is faced with more challenges and uncertainties. “We must be prepared to carry out a great struggle with many new historical features,”he said.
In response to severe situations in Hong Kong, Xi rolled out a package of measures to ensure that the central government exercises overall jurisdiction over Hong Kong and the city is administered by patriots.
Xi met with Ma Ying-jeou in Singapore in 2015, marking the first meeting between the leaders of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait since 1949. The cross-Strait relations deteriorated after the Democratic Progressive Party came to power in Taiwan in 2016. Xi has proposed a series of measures, including a “two systems” solution to the Taiwan question, to “maintain the initiative and the ability to steer in cross-Strait relations.”
In August 2022, in disregard of China’s stern warning, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi went ahead with her visit to Taiwan, causing escalating tensions across the Taiwan Strait. The PLA conducted joint combat training exercises of an unprecedented scale around the Taiwan Island, effectively deterring “Taiwan independence” separatist forces and foreign interference.
Xi has likened China’s COVID-19 fight to a war. Under his leadership, China has led the world in getting COVID-19 under control and restarting work and production. After the severe outbreak in Wuhan and Hubei was brought under control, Xi has led China in implementing a dynamic zero-COVID policy, maintaining the country’s COVID-19 infection and fatality rates at a very low level.
Given its huge population, if China adopted such prevention and control policies as herd immunity or a hands-off approach, the consequences would be unimaginable, Xi said.
Handling China-U.S. relations was one of Xi’s priorities in the past decade. When the United States initiated a trade war against China, he devised the strategy that China does not want a trade war but is not afraid of one and will fight one if necessary.
In his meetings with former U.S. President Donald Trump and incumbent U.S. President Joe Biden, Xi said that China and the United States should not fall into a so-called trap of conflict and confrontation, and cooperation is the best option.
A tough man in the face of challenges and crises, Xi also has a tender side. He wrote letters replying to American people, including young students. He hoped that the students would become young ambassadors for the friendship between the Chinese and American peoples.
Xi is open to diverse opinions and even criticism. During his tenure as a county Party chief, he received a letter from a young man who criticized the county’s work in boosting the production of commercial goods. Without being offended by the criticism, Xi acknowledged the young man’s talent and decided to send people to interview him for a potential job. As the Party’s top official, Xi also stressed that criticism and objections are allowed in intra-Party discussions and the decision-making process.
He likes making friends with intellectuals, writers and artists. When he was a county official in Hebei, he enjoyed many inspirational discussions with the writer Jia Dashan. Sometimes, the two would meet in Xi’s office and talk well into the night, only to find themselves locked in the compound.
Xi is an avid sports fan. He enjoys football, ice hockey, boxing and swimming, often taking time out of his busy schedule to swim. He uses sports to learn how to deal with challenges. Just as athletes focus on cooperation during great football matches, we should focus more on cooperation than on individual skill, Xi once told cadres who were in charge of economic work.

As a young man, Xi was already fascinated by the rich diversity of the world. In rural Shaanxi, he devoured literary classics of the world, such as Faust and William Shakespeare’s plays. He read Das Kapital three times; his reflections on the book filled 18 notebooks. “Marxism, though wide-ranging and profound, can be summed up in a sentence — the pursuit of the emancipation of humankind,” he later observed.
All the early reflections on the world and mankind have contributed to “a community with a shared future for humanity,” a vision Xi raised in 2013.
“Mankind, by living in the same global village in the same era where history and reality meet, has increasingly emerged as a community of common destiny in which everyone has in himself a little bit of others,” Xi said.
In 1985, Xi, then a county-level official, traveled as part of a Chinese delegation to the United States on an agricultural research trip. He was accommodated in a homestay in rural Iowa, sleeping in the bedroom of his host family’s son, who was at college at the time. The room was decorated with novelties such as “Star Trek” action figures.
Recalling this trip to the United States nearly three decades later, Xi said the Chinese and American peoples have many things in common, and can become good friends and partners for mutually beneficial cooperation.
Xi has visited the United States eight times. He was the first Chinese leader to watch an NBA game in a U.S. arena. When visiting Cuba, he paid a special visit to the breakwater in Cojimar where Hemingway wrote “The Old Man and the Sea,” and dropped by the bar Hemingway frequented to order a mojito.
Xi and Russian President Vladimir Putin have had approximately 40 meetings since 2013, charting the course of bilateral ties. Bilateral trade has increased from 88.1 billion U.S. dollars in 2012 to 146.8 billion U.S. dollars in 2021. The two countries have cooperated on major energy projects such as the eastern route of the China-Russia natural gas pipeline. They have also launched cooperation in such frontier fields as the International Lunar Research Station project.
Xi advocates for the creation of a new model for relations between major countries. “One cannot live in the 21st century with outdated thinking from the age of the Cold War and zero-sum games,” Xi said.
Xi cherishes China’s friendships with other developing countries. At meetings with African leaders, he has announced a series of initiatives for pragmatic cooperation. Xi has urged BRICS countries and other emerging economies to pursue openness and innovation.

Xi Jinping delivers a keynote speech at the opening plenary of the 2017 annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Jan. 17, 2017. (Xinhua/Lan Hongguang)
Xi said China is a “peaceful, amiable and civilized lion,” and a “big guy,” but not “Mephisto.””All countries are welcome to get on board the express train of China’s development.”
According to Xi, China is always a builder of world peace. “Only when we all cherish and uphold peace and never forget the painful lessons of war can there be the hope of peace,” he said.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, Xi has engaged in intensive “cloud diplomacy.” In 2021, he had more than 100 diplomatic activities conducted via phone, letter or video link. China has sent anti-virus supplies to more than 150 countries, and its homegrown vaccines — a global public good as was promised by Xi — reached many places around the world.
An even greater global public good is the Belt and Road Initiative proposed by Xi. About three-quarters of the countries in the world have signed cooperation documents with China to jointly build the Belt and Road.
Xi is seen as a key figure in pushing forward some initiatives and measures for dealing with global issues, climate change included.
“Had it not been for President Xi Jinping’s initiative, we would not have the Paris Agreement. Not even now,” said Ban Ki-moon, former secretary-general of the United Nations.
Xi said China has the ability and responsibility to play a bigger role in global affairs.
China has a wonderful opportunity to take on the leadership role in the respect of creating a shared future, said British sociologist Martin Albrow. “This isn’t leadership in a military sense. This is leadership in a moral and value sense.”

“Our understanding of time is measured in centuries or millennia,” Xi said.
He draws strength from history and China’s fine traditional culture to govern China and lead the country toward modernization.
An avid reader of history books from a young age, Xi told officials to have a “historical perspective” when they think and make decisions.
Xi praised China’s fine traditional culture as the “root and soul” of the Chinese nation.
Xi has stressed confidence in four spheres: in the path, theory, system and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Among the four, confidence in one’s culture is a broader, deeper and more fundamental form of self-confidence, he said.
“China is not just a nation state, it is a civilization state. And if you don’t understand that, I don’t think you really understand anything about China,” said British scholar and political commentator Martin Jacques.
Xi is leading China on a uniquely Chinese path to modernization, which analysts say, is creating a new model for human civilization.
By 2035, China will have basically achieved modernization. This will mark the first time in human history that an entire population of over 1 billion people achieve modernization as a whole.
By then, China’s per capita GDP will reach the level of moderately developed countries and the size of the middle-income group will be significantly expanded. China will be a global leader in innovation, and its carbon dioxide emissions will steadily decline after reaching the peak. China’s high-speed railway system, already the world’s largest, will almost be doubled in total length.
China’s path to modernization is not only a source of pride for the Chinese people, but also offers a new option for nations who want to accelerate development while preserving their independence.
The success story of China is also a story of the revival of socialism. More than 500 years after its birth, socialism has survived and thrived despite setbacks and the noise of naysayers, revitalized by the Chinese Communists in the new era.
A new journey has begun. Xi will lead China to pursue national rejuvenation by following the uniquely Chinese path to modernization, and to continue striving for a shared future for humanity.
“The journey ahead is long and arduous, but with determined steps, we will reach our destination,” Xi said. (Xinhua)

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Expressway service station in Shandong achieves carbon neutrality



By Li Rui, People’s Daily

A man surnamed Lin, driving a new energy vehicle, was on his way from Jinan to his hometown Weifang, both in east China’s Shandong province. As the battery of his vehicle ran low, he pulled up in a service station along the Qingdao–Yinchuan Expressway.

Experience told him that a service station was a place where drivers and passengers could refuel vehicles, use the bathroom, grab a drink of water and have a meal. However, he found this service station a little bit different.

The Jinan East service station was a key carbon-zero station built by Shandong Hi-Speed Company Limited. It was put into operation on July 26, 2019. During China’s just-concluded  National Day holiday, the service station received an average of 13,000 vehicles and 44,000 people on a daily basis.

“How long does it take for a vehicle to get 200 kilometers of range with this ultra-fast charging pole?” Lin asked a staff member of the service station.

“One second for one kilometer of range,” the staff member replied, pointing to an advertising board above that said “Get Fully Charged over a Cup of Coffee.”

Being skeptical about it, Lin scanned a QR code on the charging pole with his phone. Then, he unwound outside his car and went to get a cup of hot water. When he came back, he found his car fully charged.

The power level of the charging pole Lin used was 600 kW, and there were also charging poles of different models and power levels available for users to choose from at the service station.

The Jinan East service station covers an area of 300 mu, or 20 hectares. With so many charging poles in service, it consumes about 6,000 kWh of electricity each day. Where does such a huge load of electricity come from?

On the canopy, rows of solar panels were neatly paved. They were a part of a renewable energy utilization system – a 3.2 MW solar farm built on side slopes of the expressway, parking lot canopies and rooftops. The system also comes with a 3.2 MWh power storage facility.

At present, the service station generates an average of over 10,000 kWh of electricity on a daily basis, far exceeding its daily power consumption volume. This saves 1,200 tons of standard coal per year. The service station also transmits extra electricity to the power grid through safe and efficient means.

At noon, the fragrance of food was floating in the corridors of the crowded comprehensive building of the service station. As one of the busiest service stations in Shandong province, the Jinan East service station welcomes over 10 million passengers each year. How does it manage the wastewater generated by such a huge crowd?

In the “backyard” of the service station, there were two white bungalows at the corner of a tree lawn. Inside them, sewage treatment facilities were running, processing wastewater and pumping it back to the water tanks, which would be used for irrigation and floor washing.

The treatment system for waste and pollutant resources successfully addresses the challenges of  the huge variation between water usage peaks and lows, as well as significant greenhouse gas emissions from sewage, effectively recycling and reusing treated water.

“In the past, diesel vehicles were used for service area operations and cleaning, but now they have been replaced with electric vehicles. The catering businesses have also undergone electrification upgrades for their gas stoves, replacing them with clean energy sources wherever possible,” a staff member said.

Carbon emissions are invisible and intangible. How are they measured?

Shandong Hi-Speed Company Limited has independently developed a smart energy management system, which builds a digital twin of the station and displays all relevant data on a screen, including daily electricity generation, charging station power, peak electricity generation periods, air conditioning usage and more.

It is learned that this zero-carbon smart energy management system collects data of all indirect carbon emission sources such as photovoltaics, energy storage, micro grids, lighting, HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), and wastewater treatment. It can automatically calculate, make decisions, and intelligently control equipment.

For example, if the air conditioning is set at 26 degrees Celsius indoors, the system can automatically shut down some air conditioners when the temperature falls below this threshold, refining energy management and enabling intelligent equipment control.

According to real-time monitoring by the system, the service station emits an average of 2,060.97 tons of carbon dioxide per year. By planting over 19,000 square meters of greenery, the service station offsets greenhouse gas emissions.

Currently, the forestry area of the service station covers 67,000 square meters, or about 33 percent of the station’s total area. Through forestry carbon sequestration, the system helps reduce an annual average of 3,410.1 tons of carbon dioxide, with a forestry carbon sequestration volume of 53.4 tons of carbon dioxide, realizing “zero-carbon” operations. The service station now has the capability for sustainable carbon neutrality.

“So far, China has built nearly 4,000 pairs of expressway service stations. If we can promote zero-carbon experiences in more service stations, it would be of great significance,” said Zhou Pengfei, deputy director of the energy and environment department of Shandong Hi-Speed Company Limited.

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Qinling Mountains better safeguarded with comprehensive digital platform



By Zhang Tie, Zhang Danhua, People’s Daily

The Qinling Mountains in northwest China’s Shaanxi province are a natural boundary between China’s north and south in terms of geology, climate, biodiversity, water systems, and soil types.

The unique geographic environment creates abundant moisture, and the rugged terrain harbors rich plant and animal resources, earning the Qinling Mountains the nickname “China’s Central Park” and establishing them as a crucial ecological barrier for the country.

In recent years, ecological protection and restoration of the Qinling Mountains has maintained a priority of Shaanxi province.

“There appears to be waste dumping in the east of Liyuanpo village in Shijing neighborhood,” an alert popped up on the screen of a digital comprehensive monitoring platform for the Qinling Mountains of Huyi district of Xi’an, capital of Shaanxi Province.

Staff member Zhao Na immediately contacted Mao Juan, a local grid officer: “Drones have captured footage, and AI analysis has detected unauthorized dumping.”

In less than an hour, Mao arrived at Liyuanpo village. Upon investigation, she learned that a villager had been renovating his house and had dumped construction waste by the roadside.

She promptly took photos for evidence, uploaded them from her phone, and informed the neighborhood office. After the area was cleared by the following morning, Mao revisited the site, verified the cleanup, and uploaded the update to the platform.

The ecological protection area of the Qinling Mountains covers six districts and counties in Xi’an, accounting for about 55 percent of the city’s total area. The rapid handling of issues like this is a result of an integrated ecological monitoring and protection system for the Qinling Mountains.

The system includes satellites that provide periodic remote sensing images, drones that conduct routine patrol flights, cameras offering real-time monitoring, and 1,240 dedicated grid officers carrying out inspections.

“With this system, countless ‘eyes’ help us protect every ridge and valley of the Qinling Mountains,” said Lei Bo, director of the technology and grid management department of the Xi’an municipal bureau of Qinling ecological environment protection.

From January to August this year, the platform autonomously identified and processed 2,480 cases involving unauthorized construction and dumping. Most cases were resolved within one to three days.

In recent years, Xi’an has continuously improved the systems and mechanisms for regular and long-term protection of the Qinling Mountains. The approach combines human surveillance with technology-based monitoring, and grid-based management with networked coordination, making protection efforts more targeted and intelligent.

Now, the entire landscape can be visualized on a single map, which shows forests, rivers, buildings, and mineral distributions, creates a digital model of the Qinling Mountains.

Each village has its own grid, with at least one grid officer, which forms a four-tiered management system from the municipal level down to villages.

Municipal- and district-level platforms, as well as several industry-specific platforms have been integrated, enabling information sharing and seamless data exchange to form a unified digital supervision system for the Qinling Mountains.

“We can detect even the smallest fire, down to a single lighter, thanks to the integration of thermal, smoke, and light sensors,” said Hua Yiping, director of the Qinling ecological protection and comprehensive law enforcement bureau of Huyi district. The digital monitoring platform now extends to multiple applications, including forest fire prevention, flood control, water quality monitoring, and geological disaster monitoring.

Currently, the populations of wild plants and animals in the Qinling Mountains are steadily increasing, with 99.3 percent of the Qinling area within Shaanxi province now rated as having an excellent ecological environment.

“In the future, we will continue to enhance the automation, intelligence, and precision of Qinling’s protection measures. We aim to refine our monitoring systems and ensure thorough, dynamic inspections and remediation,” said Li Bo, deputy director of the Xi’an municipal bureau of Qinling ecological environment protection.

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SWChina’s Guizhou builds itself into computing power base serving whole country



By Chen Junyi

At the Gui’an Supercomputing Center, which is located in Guiyang, southwest China’s Guizhou province, over 600 servers are running at full speed, supplying constant computing power to cities like Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Wuhan, creating a vibrant ambiance with constant hum of cooling fans and flickering indicator lights.

As one of the eight major hubs of China’s national integrated computing power network, Guizhou is actively pursuing the integrated development of data storage and computing, with a particular focus on intelligent computing.

It aims to enhance the capacity in computing power supply, effectively match the supply and demand of computing power within the province and elsewhere, and better utilize computing  power and localize the computing industry, so as to establish a support base serving the whole country.

Guizhou launched its plans to develop data centers ten years ago. It boasts numerous natural advantages for developing the computing industry, such as safe geological conditions, reliable power supply, and low average temperatures. China’s three telecommunication operators, namely China Telecom, China Mobile, and China Unicom, have all set up data centers here, making it the first province in China to host data centers of all the three.

After a decade of development, Guizhou is currently home to 47 data centers, either under construction or in operation, including 25 super-large and large data centers, most of which are located in the Gui’an New Area.

The Gui’an New Area is known for its flat terrain and an annual average temperature of 15 degrees Celsius. The region enjoys 99.5 percent of days with good air quality throughout the year, thereby serving as a natural air conditioner and oxygen bar.

The power usage effectiveness (PUE)of data centers in the region, a metric for energy efficiency, is lower than 1.2, which is at the forefront of all green data centers across the country. It is also one of the areas in China where data centers boast the lowest energy consumption and the longest equipment lifespan.

“As the carrier of computing power, data centers are equipped to support high-performance application scenarios by leveraging advanced computational capabilities and large-scale data processing power through the use of various hardware components such as servers and graphics cards,” said Peng Benqian, head of the Gui’an Supercomputing Center and director of the technology research and development department of Gui’an New Area Science and Technology Innovation Industries Development Co., Ltd., the company that runs the center.

In the past, most data centers in Guizhou were primarily focused on storage. With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI), Guizhou is advancing intelligent computing, which forms the basis of AI development. The data centers are rapidly transforming from mere “storage centers” to integrated “storage and computing ones.”

The Gui’an Supercomputing Center, the first of its kind in Guizhou, was put into operation at the end of 2020. “We have more than 600 servers, and the peak computing power has reached 130 petaflops,” Peng said.

“It would take nearly 600 years to create special effects rendering for a 3D animated film with a regular computer. However, the whole process can be completed within 3 months at our center,” he said.

In addition to locally built computing power centers, top internet companies such as Huawei, Tencent, and NetEase have established superlarge computing centers and intelligent computing centers in Guizhou. Besides, many banks have set up their financial data centers in the province.

Guizhou has become one of the regions in China with the strongest intelligent computing capabilities. By the end of July 2024, its computing power had reached 40.55 Eflops (a measurement unit used to determine a computer’s speed), with intelligent computing power amounting to 37.578 Eflops, accounting for over 90 percent.

Just like other commodities, computing power cannot be on a perfect supply-demand balance. Idle computing resources will enter a public computing resource pool and be scheduled by the Guizhou branch of China’s national integrated computing power network to efficiently connect the resource side and the demand side.

The transmission and trading of computing power rely on network infrastructure. Guizhou has established direct connections with 38 cities across China, including Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou.The computing power can meet the huge demand of the “East data, west computing”project, a key part of China’s digital infrastructure which aims to coordinate the computing capabilities of the country’s eastern regions, where the need for computing is high, with inland western regions like Guizhou, where abundant renewable resources are optimal for building data centers, according to Zhang Jie, head of the business department of Gui’an New Area Data Service Technology Co., Ltd.

Meanwhile, Guizhou is leveraging its computing power to drive industrial development and extend the industrial chain. With the support of computing power, many local companies have begun to explore new opportunities.

Guizhou Tuzhi Information Technology Co., Ltd. is a technology company specializing in geospatial big data application and development and a professional provider of real-time spatial-temporal information services integrating air, space, and ground data. With over 8 years of experience, the company has witnessed the evolution of Guizhou’s big data industry.

“The ecosystem of the big data industry in Guizhou is getting better and better, with refined computing power support, industry applications and data transactions. We have seen increasing productivity and expanding business scope,” Huang said.

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